About CruSec

Jaime Cruse, CISSP
is an Information Technology and Security professional with several years of experience in industries such as healthcare, utility, public education, banking, business and military. Clients have relied on him for a variety of services including security engineering, vulnerability scanning and remediation, incident response, patch management and cyber awareness training, as well as regulatory compliance including HIPAA, PCI and NERC CIP . Outside of his professional life Jaime is a brother, a son, a spouse and a friend. He is a life-long student who finds joy in ongoing education and self-study. Though he has many hobbies, he is above all else an avid backpacker and has seen summits spanning from Bridgeport California to Corfu Greece. He has given back to small and large communities through his role on several committees as well as his service in the military. Jaime served in the Marine Corps as a Cyber Network Operator and is a graduate of The Ohio State University.